Revelations: Black History in Portraiture

The African and African Caribbean Kultural Heritage Initiative (ACKHI) and the Museum of Oxford are working in partnership with Oxford’s History Faculty, to diversify the stories of portraiture and Oxford’s history beyond living memory. This project utilises new and existing databases, as well as primary and secondary research, to identify links to Black history in the art collections of Oxford University’s Examination Schools and Oxford’s Town Hall.  This is the first stage of a project that we envisage will develop in depth and detail in the future, with findings to be shared with the public.  

Supported by a grant from the University’s John Fell Fund, a team of History Faculty interns will assist both organisations in this mission, by researching Black history in portraits from the University and Town Hall collections. Xaira Adebayo, Feyidara Olawuyi and Kristine Guillaume are the interns working on this project, together with Junie James (Director, ACKHI), Kate Toomey (Community Learning Manager, Museum of Oxford) and Oliver Parr (Schools Engagement Officer, Museum of Oxford).